Heritage. Practical Work. Open call for artists to participate in a residency program in Ukraine

  • Description
  • Application form

The IZOLYATSIA Foundation invites artists to apply for the Heritage. Practical Work residency program. The program aims to create new art projects to form a new cultural identity based on local cultural heritage. The projects will be implemented in collaboration with representatives of the local community and drawing on the intangible heritage of the Bakhmut region.

The program includes two planned residencies, which will take place in the city of Vilnohirsk (Dnipropetrovsk region) in cooperation with the organisations Svitanok sela Yakovlivka and Bakhmut Fortress, as well as in Khmelnytskyi, based at the Khmelnytskyi Regional Art Museum in cooperation with the charitable foundation Solana Fortress and the Bakhmut Regional Museum.

Resident artists are expected to participate in a hybrid residency format: at least one research and familiarisation visit to the residency location and a visit to prepare and present the project.

The program is open to Ukrainian citizens:

  • aged 18 and above, with a Ukrainian bank account,
  • experienced in implementing participatory projects involving local audiences,
  • experienced in creating artworks based on local heritage, research, working with memory, etc.

Each participant will receive:

  • travel to and from the residency location
  • per diems
  • accommodation
  • a fee of 41203.50 UAH (including taxes)
  • the opportunity to realise a physical project in the space of the hosting organisation or public space of the hosting community
  • curatorial support
  • access to the cultural heritage of the host party, as well as the Bakhmut region

Deadlines and Selection Procedure:

  • Application Deadline: 02.05 —  20.05.2024
  • Application Review: 21.05 — 31.05.2024
  • Winners Announcement: 31.05.2024
  • Residency (hybrid format) with public presentation of results: 01.06.2024 — 31.07.2023

Application Submission:

The form includes information about your artistic practices, a motivational text about your interest in participating in this program, possible project ideas, and a portfolio and resume. Applications with preliminary project proposals will be given priority.

The applications will be selected by representatives of the IZOLYATSIA Foundation and the host organisations. All applicants will receive an email with information about the selection results. Due to the large number of applications, the project team cannot justify the decision, which will be final.

About the Organizations:

Khmelnytskyi Regional Art Museum is a unique museum institution that was the first among post-Soviet museums during Ukraine’s independence to choose an innovative concept for its collection: collecting, preserving, researching, exhibiting, and promoting Ukrainian contemporary art of the 20th and 21st centuries. The museum is a shared cultural space in which not only museum professionals but all interested creators and consumers of contemporary cultural products take an active part. The museum's mission is to share contemporary art that unites people with experience in many areas with professionals and the general public. The museum's constantly expanding art collection is a record of the dynamic phenomena and events occurring at the local and global levels. The museum creates a space for meetings, mutual inspiration, and reflection.

The NGO “Bakhmut Fortress” was formed in Bakhmut in October 2014. A pro-Ukrainian community that initially helped the military and displaced persons united for active work and later also began civic activities. Currently, the organization works with displaced persons and local residents in the city of Vilnohirsk, promotes local democracy tools, implements community projects, has experience in preserving cultural heritage, supporting local artistic initiatives, and organizing art residencies.

The NGO “Svitanok sela Yakovlivky” is an organization that has been working for 14 years to satisfy the public interests of its community, including cultural, creative, gender, environmental, social, economic, and others. All initiatives within the projects addressed important issues of cultural and creative development, social cohesion of residents of the Soledar amalgamated territorial community and local authorities. In 2023, the NGO was re-registered in Kyiv due to forced evacuation. Today, the organization continues to actively implement its activities.

The Charitable Organization “Solana Fortress Charitable Foundation” is a non-governmental voluntary charitable organization established in March 2023. The Foundation carries out a wide range of initiatives in response to the needs of citizens and society. It provides humanitarian aid to the population, conducts media and educational events, actively works on the development of non-formal education in the Donetsk region, in particular by creating youth hubs and involving leading specialists for teaching children and youth, both online and offline. In addition, the organization actively supports the development of the volunteer movement by participating in media and educational events. An equally important area of the foundation's work is conducting charitable activities in the fields of organising, creating, supporting, and developing educational institutions.

The “Bakhmut Regional Museum” traces its origins to the Artemivsk District Historical and Local History Museum, founded in 1924. By the beginning of 2022, the museum's holdings included 17,000 main fund exhibits and 25,000 scientific and auxiliary fund items. With the start of the full-scale war in February 2022, the city of Bakhmut found itself in the area of active hostilities, and in March 2023, the museum building was destroyed by Russian occupiers' shelling.

IZOLYATSIA is a non-profit, non-governmental platform for cultural initiatives founded in 2010 in Donetsk on the territory of a former insulation materials plant. IZOLYATSIA aims to stimulate systemic changes in Ukrainian society through cultural projects. IZOLYATSIA is a platform for researching, discussing, and presenting current socio-political issues locally and globally. IZOLYATSIA implements projects at the intersection of contemporary art and civil society and works in research, projects and exhibition activities, supporting cultural decentralisation and developing the capacity of the cultural sector and residencies.

The residencies will take place as part of the Heritage program. Space for Work, created to develop knowledge, experience, and networking for local cultural operators. The program aims to help communities identify and/or rethink local cultural resources (museum collections, memorial and cultural sites, existing or potential tourist attractions, cultural heritage sites, etc.).

Heritage. Practical Work programme is supported by the Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine (PFRU), funded by aid from the governments of Canada, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden,Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

😢 Unfortunately, the application period for this program has expired.

02.05.2024 — 20.05.2024